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Project Progress Timeline

October 2022 Project Closure event held to celebrate successful conclusion of project.
July 2022 Since its inception, 17,000 plus patients have benefited from innovative acute services in a range of clinical fields such as cardiology, dermatology, urology, vascular and respiratory care.
April 2021 A number of outstanding capital items have been procured mainly for the Urology strand of the project to enable the clinicians to deliver high quality interventions to patients.
March 2021 The Consultant Urologist in the Western Health and Social Care Trust commenced.   This Consultant is one of two clinicians working cross-border delivering services to patients in County Donegal and patients who reside in the Western Trust area.
February 2021 Work has commenced on the procurement of capital for the final strand of the project that will provide surgical interventions to patients across a variety of specialities using new equipment and technologies to deliver these episodes of care.
January 2021 The Project has now delivered services to over 13,000 patients and has a target to achieve 15,000.
December 2020 The Interoperability strand of the project enters its final 6 months and has been able through a pilot vascular project exchange patient information safely and securely across borders.  This will be a blueprint for the future exchange of patient information the detail of which will be documented before June 2021 and made available for future EU funded Health and Social Care Programmes.
November 2020 Project has assessed and treated over 12,000 unique beneficiaries.
October 2020 All strands of the INTERREG VA Acute Project are established with the appointment of a Consultant Urologist in the Western Health and Social Care Trust.
September 2020 Funding for the Community Paramedic work stream has been expended and mainstreaming plans to support these projects are well developed.
July 2020 As the demands of Covid-19 eased in acute hospitals all outstanding project staff were able to commence at the Urology Department in Letterkenny University Hospital. The department’s full complement of staff provide both outpatient and inpatient/day-case services.
June 2020 Services in all 3 Health Services are being reset following the Covid-19 crisis with some being delivered now in different ways.
May 2020 Community Cardiac Services strand has met its 1,000 beneficiaries target; mainstreaming this service is currently being examined.
April 2020 Community Respiratory Consultant commenced post on 14 April 2020 and is providing a service to patients.
March 2020 Community Paramedic strand within the Acute Project have met their 3,500 beneficiary target set by the funders.  All three ambulance services are considering how to mainstream this service in other geographical areas within the eligible jurisdiction.
February 2020 The NAS Community Paramedic project shortlisted for the HSE Health Services Excellence Awards.  Selected by the judging panel from over 600 submissions the project team was delighted to be recognised yet again for its innovative and sustainable approach to health care in the community.
January 2020 The number of staff trained has surpassed the 338 target set for the project.  Training will continue until the end of some strands therefore trained staff will exceed the target by the end of the year.
December 2019 The overall Acute project has delivered services to more than half the 14,500 patient target set by the Funders (7,830 patients have received a service).
November 2019 Both the Community Paramedic and the Discharge Lounge in Letterkenny Hospital established through support from the project have been shortlisted for the prestigious Irish Health Awards 2019 that took place during November and the Community Paramedic Strand won the Sustainability category at the event.
October 2019 Feedback from Patients regarding their experience in some of the Acute Project strands has commenced.  The main purpose of this is to improve the new initiatives introduced via the project funding if and where appropriate. It is envisaged that all strands of the project will have an element of evaluation.
September 2019 A number of Community Paramedics commenced further study in Scotland  to Masters level with Glasgow Caledonian University.
August 2019
  • Project support for improving ‘patient flow’ in the South West Acute Hospital concluded in August.  A Position Paper was developed in order to allow Western Trust personnel to continue to implement an agreed plan to improve the patient experience whilst attending hospital.
  • Additional nurses have been appointed to the Nurse Led Vascular Service in Letterkenny University Hospital and the Urology Service in Letterkenny.
  • Dermatology Nurses throughout the eligible area have access to an e-learning platform developed through the Scottish partners within the Acute Project.  Access to this learning opportunity will continue for all dermatology nurses after the funding of this strand of the project ceases.
July 2019
  • Community Paramedics Strand shortlisted for the European Regiostar Awards
  • Urologist commences and Letterkenny University Hospital and is delivering a service to patients
  • The CAWT cross border Community Paramedic project has been nominated for a RegioStars 2019 Award under the ‘Modernising Health Services’ category and is now among the  5 finalists in that category. The EU Commission’s RegioStars recognises the most original and innovative Cohesive Policy Projects. The winners will be announced in early October in Brussels.  Meanwhile the promotion of the project for Public Choice Award will continue with citizens encourage to cast their vote here.
June 2019 Phototherapy project nursing team commence clinics in Letterkenny University Hospital.
May 2019 A number of Community Paramedics complete Diplomas and continue to work autonomously in the pilot sites providing a service to patients in their own communities.
April 2019 Photo-triage established in pilot sites (Northern and Belfast Trust initially) in conjunction with the HSCB is well underway with patients receiving this service from GP’s within both these Trusts.  This service will be rolled out throughout NI in 2020.
Caroline French,  Community Paramedic , NIAS, employed in the INTERREG VA project wins the NIAS ‘Paramedic of the Year 2019 Award’.  This award acknowledged Carolines achievements in her new role within the Project which includes providing direct assessment and treatment of people living in a rural community.
March 2019 Vascular Project Nursing personnel commence providing service in Letterkenny University Hospital.
February 2019 Discharge Lounges established in SUH and LUH with support from the project staff continue to improve patient flow through the aforementioned hospitals.  Work with the SWAH to achieve the same outcome will commence in the summer of 2019.
January 2019 Project personnel in the Community Cardiac Services funded strand of the project commence providing services in villages in North Sligo initially.
December 2018 Leadership training aimed at a variety of staff on a cross border basis is delivered in NI and RoI.
November 2018 Cross border quality training delivered in Monaghan for staff from a variety of disciplines’ working in a range of health and social care settings.
October 2018 Recruitment of Specialist Vascular Nurses complete.
September 2018
  • Vascular service commenced in WHSCT.
  • Cardiac equipment procured
  • Phototherapy equipment procured
  • CDU/DAU opens in SHSCT
  • A&E Reform – Discharge lounge opens in Sligo University Hospital
  • All Island Transplant Conference
  • Leadership in Adversity Workshop delivered
August 2018 Community Paramedic Workshop delivered (Plan for Year 2 following additional funding from SEUPB).
July 2018 WHSCT Dermatology specialist Nurses commenced post and commence delivering services immediately. WHSCT procure capital equipment for dermatology service.
June 2018 Vascular Service commenced in Letterkenny University Hospital.  Project Assistant for Interoperability commenced (addressing the information requirements for all projects).
May 2018 Scottish Nurses commence delivering service to patients.  Launch of overall Acute Hospital Services Project (Connecting services, Citizens and Communities).
April 2018 Scottish Specialist Nurses visit NI and RoI to establish educational and training dermatology requirements in the Trusts and Sligo University  Hospital in RoI.  Sessional nursing support for vascular service appointed in Letterkenny University Hospital.
March 2018 A&E reform and modernization commenced (Sligo University Hospital).
March 2018 Launch of Advanced Community Paramedics Strand of the Project.
January/February/ March 2018 Provision of Mentoring Programme for Anaesthetists. Community Paramedic Strand is launched. Vehicles and equipment for Community Paramedics are procured.
February 2018 Recruitment of Project Assistant – Project staff, CAWT personnel and Commissioners visit Scotland.
January 2018 Recruitment of Dermatology Nurses (Scotland) – Two Dermatology Specialist Nurses commenced who are leading out on education and training for all qualified and unqualified dermatology nurses in the eligible area.


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