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Tender Notice issued for the development of Community Health and Well-being Hubs in the border region of Ireland, Northern Ireland and South West Scotland

November 17, 2017

Utilising European Union INTERREG VA grant funding secured by the Co-operation and Working Together (CAWT) Partnership, the ‘CoH Sync’ (Community Health Sync) Project wishes, via a public procurement / tender process, to establish 8 Community Health and Well-being Hubs. As part of the project, a tender has been issued for the development of these Hubs in 8 geographical areas to deliver early intervention and prevention of ill health initiatives.

These locally-based Hubs will support people in improving their health and well-being, particularly around the areas of physical activity, nutrition, smoking cessation, alcohol misuse and mental health.

Once established, the Health and Well-being Hubs will optimise the potential of communities to become more active in improving their own health and well-being and will adopt a community development approach using existing resources within the community. The Hubs will also develop novel approaches to health behaviour change particularly for deprived populations, thereby reducing health inequalities.

The ‘CoH Sync’ project partners are the HSE, the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, the Western Health and Social Care Trust, the Public Health Agency (NI), the Health and Social Care Board and NHS Dumfries and Galloway.

The locations of the Hubs are Letterkenny/North Donegal, Republic of Ireland; Ballyshannon/South Donegal, Republic of Ireland;  Co. Cavan/Co. Monaghan, Republic of Ireland; Londonderry-Derry/Strabane, Northern Ireland; Enniskillen/West Fermanagh, Northern Ireland; Armagh/Dungannon, Northern Ireland; Dumfries, Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland and Stranraer, Dumfries  & Galloway, Scotland.

This Tender is being managed by HBS Procurement (a division of the HSE) and the tender notice is now available at

Download Tender flyer

The closing date for receipt of tender applications is 21st December 2017 at 3pm.

Link to the Tender Notice: Click Here

Notes to Editor

1. Co-operation and Working Together (CAWT) is a cross border health and social care partnership comprising the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland, the border counties of the Health Service Executive (HSE) in the Republic of Ireland and the Southern and Western Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland.

2. CAWT has recently commenced 4 new projects under the Health and Social care theme of the new INTERREG VA programme for Ireland/Scotland/Northern Ireland. These include projects in the areas of Acute Hospital Services, Mental Health Recovery, Children’s Services and Population Health. A 5th project for Primary Care and Older People’s Services, in which CAWT is a partner, is being led by NHS 24 in Scotland.

3. Under the Population Health Programme, the total grant funding allocated for the implementation of the 8 community health and well-being hubs is €3.2 million which has been secured by CAWT from the EU INTERREG VA programme.

4. The Special EU Programmes Body is a North/South Implementation Body sponsored by the Department of Finance in Northern Ireland and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in Ireland. It is responsible for managing two EU Structural Funds Programmes, PEACE IV and INTERREG VA which are designed to enhance cross-border co-operation, promote reconciliation and create a more peaceful and prosperous society. The Programmes operate within a clearly defined area including Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and in the case of INTERREG VA, Western Scotland.

5. The INTERREG VA Programme has a value of €283 million and aims to address the economic and social problems which result from the existence of borders.

6. For more information on the SEUPB please visit