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50 new jobs for EU funded projects

February 7, 2018

7 Feb 2018

The CAWT Partnership has recently been awarded EU INTERREG VA funding to implement four large-scale cross border health and social care projects up to 2021. To support the delivery of these projects, a recruitment campaign for 50 new jobs has recently commenced.  A range of management, clinical and support roles have been advertised and include vacancies in areas such as acute hospital services, mental health, children’s services, community health and well-being and primary care and older people. Posts are based in a variety of locations throughout the border region and the EU INTERREG VA eligible area.

Commenting on these new posts, Damien McCallion, HSE National Director & Director General of CAWT said: “Thanks to the EU INTERREG VA investment secured by the CAWT Partnership for these cross border projects, we are now in a position to recruit people for brand new positions. So, if you want to be part of an exciting and innovative cross border project, check out the range of roles we have on offer via the recruitment websites of the health and social care services.” He added: “These EU funded projects will continue until 2021. All projects have been underwritten by both the UK and Irish Governments for the complete project period, including the post-Brexit phase. Thus, there is no concern in relation to the security of funding for this programme of approved initiatives.”

The posts have been advertised in national media. Information and application forms can be directly accessed on the two national recruitment websites for the health and social care services in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland at:

Full details on all positions advertised and the process for application can be found on these two websites. The closing date for all jobs in this current recruitment campaign is Friday 16th Feb 2018 at 3.30pm

The CAWT Partnership members who jointly secured this EU funding are the Health Service Executive (HSE) in the Republic of Ireland and the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, the Western Health and Social Care Trust, the Public Health Agency and the Health and Social Care Board in Northern Ireland.



Notes to Editor

Co-operation and Working Together (CAWT) is a cross border health and social care partnership comprising the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland, the border counties of the Health Service Executive (HSE) in the Republic of Ireland and the Southern and Western Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland.
CAWT has commenced 4 new projects under the Health and Social care theme of the new INTERREG VA programme for Ireland/Scotland/Northern Ireland. These include projects in the areas of Acute Hospital Services, Mental Health Recovery, Children’s Services and Population Health. A 5th project for Primary Care and Older People’s Services, in which CAWT is a partner, is being led by NHS 24 in Scotland.
The Special EU Programmes Body is a North/South Implementation Body sponsored by the Department of Finance in Northern Ireland and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in Ireland. It is responsible for managing two EU Structural Funds Programmes, PEACE IV and INTERREG VA which are designed to enhance cross-border co-operation, promote reconciliation and create a more peaceful and prosperous society. The Programmes operate within a clearly defined area including Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and in the case of INTERREG VA, Western Scotland.
The INTERREG VA Programme has a value of €283 million and aims to address the economic and social problems which result from the existence of borders.
For more information on the SEUPB please visit

Summary of EU funded Health and Social Care Projects

Acute Hospital Services

The project will increase acute episodes of care to patients, through improved / reformed service delivery on a cross-border basis. This will include enhancement of cross border services for dermatology, urology and vascular services. The project will also develop more efficient patient pathways during the pre-hospital phase by implementing community paramedic hubs to see/treat/transport patients to appropriate medical facilities.

Mental Health Innovation Recovery:  ‘i-Recovery’

This project is seeking to empower people with experience of mental illness. Patients and mental health practitioners will work together to co-produce and co-deliver a range of educational courses in response to the needs of people with mental health problems. This includes establishment of cross border recovery colleges and the development of online education and support services.

Multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences ‘MACE’ – Breaking the Cycle Project

This project aims to transform the lives of vulnerable children/families who are most at risk from multiple adversities in their lives, by identifying, intervening early and providing nurturing and support within their own homes and communities on a cross border basis. MACE relates to the number of negative experiences to which a child is exposed e.g. parental alcohol/drug abuse, domestic violence in the home, parental mental illness, bereavement within the home, disability, etc.

Population Health – Community Health Sync ‘CoH-Sync’

Development of a network of eight Locality Health and Well-being Hubs in the border region of RoI/NI and Western Scotland, resourced with Health Trainers who will support individuals and groups to become more active in improving their own health and wellbeing by making better use of existing resources, improving access through cross border working and filling identified gaps in service provision, thus building sustainable resilience through a community assets based approach. The focus is on early intervention by reducing the impact of key risk factors in the development of Long Term Conditions.

Primary Care and Older People (NHS Scotland leading) ‘mPower’

Creation of a modernised infrastructure for healthy ageing, access to personalised care services and community support systems to ensure older people can live safely and independently in their own homes. Facilitation of self-management of health and well-being through the use of digital e-health services. Provision of remote access to health services using a virtual platform to bring services to the older person’s home or local healthcare clinic thus reducing the requirement to travel significant distances to access care services.